In the Name of the Most High

“The Beloved Amongst People”
Imam Kadhim (PBUH) took the leadership of Shia after the martyrdom of his honorable father in in year 148 and spent rest of his noble life in Madina and Baqdad. He was unique of his time and no one could qualify to be compared with him in knowledge, piety and worshiping Allah (SWT). Even the Sunni scholars who do not approve his appointment as Imam by Allah (SWT) have addressed him with goodness and magnanimity.
Ibn Abi al-Hadid (the mu'tazili sunni scholar) has described the holy Imam as follows:
“The religious, jurisprudence, worship, tolerance and patience were all gathered in him.”(1)
Ibn Emad (the Hanbali sunni scholar) has written in “Shazarat al-Zahab”:
“Musa ibn al-Jaffar was a great person. He was one of the most righteous, pious, generous and patient people.” Then he narrates from Abu Hatam: “He is trustworthy and a leader of Muslims.” (2)
Yafeie (a sunni scholar) says:
“He was truly righteous, pious, patient, merciful and generous.” (3)
Yahya ibn Hasan ibn Ja`far (the famous sunni genealogist) also comments about him:
“Musa ibn Ja`far was being called “the righteous servant” because of his worships and ijtihad (striving on the path of Allah (SWT).)” (4)
Moreover, ibn Khallakan (the shafe’i sunni historian) narrates from Khatib:
“He was honorable and generous. He used to bag golden coins in amounts of 200, 300, 400 and divide them between the people of Madina. His gold bags were famous.” (5)
Zahabi (the famous sunni Rejali (an expert in investigation of the trustworthiness of narrators)) has written about Imam Kadhim (PBUH):
“Musa ibn Ja`far was one of the most generous scholars and also one of the most pious servants of Allah (SWT)” (6)
Owing all the good moral characters mentioned above made Musa ibn Ja`far (PBUH) so popular amongst people and they acknowledged that he had various extraordinary abilities. Ibn Jozi (the hanbali sunni muhaddith (a person who memorizes and narrates a lot of narrations) and historian) and ibn Hajar Haytami (the shafe’i sunni religious jurisconsult) narrate in this regard:
“Shaqiq Balkhi, the famous scholar in mysticism, encountered Musa ibn Ja`far (PBUH) in the Hajj pilgrimage in the year 149. He tried to ask Musa ibn Ja`far (PBUH) a question several times and each time the Imam revealed what he had in his mind by reciting a verse of holy Quran.” (7)
Apart from sunni scholars, Haroon al-Rashid, the Abbasi caliph of the time of Imam Kadhim (PBUH) told his minister, Rabi, about him:
“This man is from the monks of Bani Hashim.”
Fazl ibn Rabi said: “So why have you imprison him?”
Haroon answered: “There is no other alternative solution.” (8)
As mentioned, the Abbasi caliph and his agents who were afraid of Imam’s spiritual power and his influence on people’s souls poisoned and martyred him on the 25th of Rajab of the year 183 in Baqdad prison, despite all his nice characteristics that they even acknowledged themselves.
The selection above is from the book “the theoretical and political life of Shia Imams” by “Rasool Ja`farian” (with minor changes)
On behalf of Roshd Website we send our condolences to all Muslim and to you dear friend
on the 25th of Rajab, the martyrdom of the seventh Imam,
Imam Musa ibn Ja`far al-Kadhim (PBUH)
Roshd Islamic Shia Website
1- Sharh Nahj al-Balaqa, vol.15, p.273
2- Shazarat al-Zahab, vol.1, p.304
3- Mera`t al-Janan, vol.10, p.394
4- Tahzib al-Zahab, vol.1, p.339
5- The history of Baqdad, vol.13, p.27/ Vafiyat al-A`yan, vol.5, p.308
6- Mizan al-Etedal, vol.4, p.204
7- Sefat al-Safva, vol.2, p.103/ al- Savaeq al-Mohraqa, p.204
8- Oyoon Akhbar al- Ridha, vol.1, p.31